A: Your domain is ultimately worth what someone is willing to pay for
it. We will not appraise the value for you, so please do not ask. If you
wish to read an article on positive and negative factors for domain name value go here.
Q: Would The Domain Barn be interested
partnering with our company?
A: We are and will continue to listen to those interested in partnering
arrangements. If you are interested, go ahead and ask; the worst we could say is "no
Q: What is a domain?
A: -example.com is a valid domain name (11 characters)
-http://www.example.com is not a domain name,
it is a uniform resource locator (URL) used by Web browsers to find documents and
-www.example.com is not a domain name, www
is the name of one computer in the example.com domain
Q: What is a URL?
A: URL is an acronym for Universal Resource Locator. A URL identifies a
particular HTML file on the computer hosting the domain. To learn more about this
subject go here,
but come back!
Q: What is a Top Level Domain Name?
A: Domain names fall into different categories known as top-level domains.
Currently, names may be registered in the following top-level domains:
.com - for commercial (for profit) organization.
.net - for network infrastructure machines and organizations.
.org - names are for non-profit organizations.
.edu - is for educational institutions.
.gov - is for US Federal Government agencies.
.mil - is for Military Use.
Q: What is a valid domain?
A: A valid domain can have up to 26 characters in it including the 4 characters
.com, .net, or .org. A domain can only have letters, numbers and dashes (-) in
them. The dashes can not be at the beginning or end of the domain name (it can
not be -example.com or example-.com) , numbers and letters can be at the start or end.
In December 1999, they changed it so that domains can
be 67 characters including the .com, .net, or .org.
Q: How long will it take for you to sell my domain?
A: Some domains will never sell because they are either too highly priced or just
plain not quality domains. A sensible price and a generic ("key word")
domain will help us sell your domain fastest.
Q: Can you give me any advice on the domain name business?
A: Our non-legally binding advice is this-
Don't register a domain unless you would use it for yourself! Don't think that
you will sell a domain for $50,000 today if you registered it yesterday. Don't think
you will get rich registering .net, .org., .cc, .to, etc. because .com will always be the
preferred "com"mercial domain name. Generic, keyword domains with an
expensive evident purpose, i.e. jewelry.com, stocks.com, money.com, buy.com,
sell.com, diamonds.com, etc. are the best domains to invest in, period. If you are going to
spend money on purchasing a pre-registered domain from someone for the intent of
investment, bid on the best names possible, not necessarily the highest priced ones.